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PSA: Vallejo woman warns of purse snatchers

Please be aware of your surroundings!

Around 8pm last night I was at Costco in Vallejo. As I was putting my groceries in my car, a young tall light skinned African American female with a ponytail tried to snatch my purse off of my shoulders.
Source: Mahlanie
"Around 8pm last night I was at Costco in Vallejo. As I was putting my groceries in my car, a young tall light skinned African American female with a ponytail tried to snatch my purse off of my shoulders. Luckily I held on to my purse but she wouldn't let she was trying to run off and jump into a moving vehicle next to her, she had one hand on my purse and I had one hand on the other..I used both of my hands to pull my purse away from her and apparently she gave up and fled... I noticed a dark skinned African American male in the vehicle. The vehicle was black with dark black tint . I did not know what kind of vehicle it was but I did inform one of the managers and luckily there were cameras in the front of the store that can see almost everything. The cameras were able to locate the vehicle but management will have to do further investigations. I did notify the Vallejo PD but the they never showed up so I reported it online. Be safe out there. It can happen anywhere." -- Mahlanie

Thanks for the heads up Mahlanie! Glad you were unharmed.

It's a crime of convenience that targets women. And, it can happen just about anywhere, anytime. Beware, but always be safe. A purse and its contents can always be replaced.

Mahlanie's friend shared her Facebook post, adding the following tip:
It started when the kids were little and I didn't want to worry about carrying anything extra when carrying/attending to them, but I've made it a habit when I go into stores to just bring my ID & card of payment & place it in my safe out there

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